
"There is no right or wrong when it comes to making art. Making sure that you have fun, is the most important part. Splash a little paint, draw a little line. Just make sure that you have fun each and every time" - Mickey Mouse
✓  119. Vision board
✓  120. Press flowers
✓  121. Knitting
✓  122. Make a terrarium
□ 123. Crochet
✓  125. Finger painting
✓  126. Make a snowglobe
✓  127. Make paper snowflakes
✓  128. Make playdough
✓  129. Make slime
✓  130. Blow a giant bubble
✓  131. Make a paper mache
✓  133. Make a glass pendant
✓  134. Make a quilling picture
✓  135. Make a candle
✓  137. Do a paint by numbers
✓  138. Make a bath bomb
✓  139. Upcycle
✓  141. Make a snowman
✓  142. Make a snow angel
□ 143. Make a Darth Vadder with origami
✓  144. Create an autograph book
✓  145. Create a form of robotics
✓  146. Do a splatter painting
✓  147. Design my dream house
✓  148. Make a cubby house
✓  149. Make paper
✓  150. Make a tie-dye shirt
✓  151. Do a painting
✓  153. Make soap
□ 154. Make a sensory book
✓  155. Make an adventure book
✓  156. Work on a pottery wheel
✓  157. Make a balloon animal
✓  158. Make a rainbow rose
✓  160. Make a beeswax wrap
□ 161. Make a time capsule
✓  162. Make a macramé decoration
✓  163. Build a model train
✓  164. Invent something