Activities 2.0

“Doing the difficult things that you’ve never done awakens the talents you never knew you had.” – Robin Sharma

✓  1. Parasailing
□ 2. Surfing on sand dunes
□ 3. Go on a pogo stick
□ 4. Windsurfing
□ 5. Jet skiing
□ 6. Kite surfing
□ 7. Stargaze
□ 8. Paragliding
□ 9. Dress up at Comic Con
□ 10. Experience weightlessness
□ 11. Hot laps
□ 12. Bobsleighing
□ 13. Do acrobatics in a plane
□ 14. Go on a trapeze
□ 15. Walk on a tightrope
□ 16. Get in a taxi & yell “follow that car”
□ 17. Walk on fire
□ 18. Bid at an auction
□ 19. Chase a tornado
□ 20. Spray a champagne bottle
✓  21. Find treasure geocaching
□ 22. Ride in a monster truck
□ 23. Swim in an infinity pool
□ 24. Jump in a puddle
✓  25. Meet a celebrity
□ 26. Drive a sports car
□ 27. Ride a mattress down a staircase
✓  28. Horse riding on the beach
□ 29. Jump off a waterfall
□ 30. Roll down a hill
✓  31. Run through a field of flowers
□ 32. Release a paper lantern
□ 33. Walk on a frozen lake
□ 34. Jump off a jetty
□ 35. Travel in a police car
□ 36. Put Ned Kelly’s helmet on
□ 37. Sit in on a court case
□ 38. Go on a seaplane
□ 39. Go in a zorb
□ 40. Jump in a pile of leaves
□ 41. Explore an abandoned place
□ 42. Ride a penny fathering
□ 43. Haggle at a market
✓  44. White water rafting
□ 45. Black water rafting
□ 46. Scuba dive with sharks
47. Get out of a maze
□ 48. Freeze a bubble
□ 49. Do a staring contest
□ 50. Pose with a wax figure
51. Toss a frisbee
□ 52. Find shapes in clouds
✓  53. Sailing
□ 54. Deep sea fishing
55. Sand angel
✓  56. Swim with turtles
□ 57. Drive a tesla
✓  58. Bathe with elephants
□ 59. Jump on a jumping castle
□ 60. Ride in a dune buggy
□ 61. Have a Nintendo 64 game day
□ 62. Have a Wii game day
□ 63. Go to a karaoke bar & sing
□ 64. Experience virtual reality
✓  65. Indoor skydiving
□ 66. Fly a kite
□ 67. Barefoot lawn bowls
□ 68. Take part in a flash mob
□ 69. Wing-walking
□ 70. Reindeer sleigh ride
□ 71. Carve a pumpkin
□ 72. Sit in a sauna
□ 73. Memorise a joke & tell it at an open mic night
□ 74. Hot stone massage
□ 75. Dive in a shipwreck
✓  76. Experience an earthquake
□ 77. Find a four-leaf clover
□ 78. Relax in a hot tub whilst it’s snowing
□ 79. Ride a tandem bike
□ 80. Perform a song by instrument on the street
□ 81. Sing with a choir
□ 82. Get my palms read
□ 83. Jump into a pool fully clothed
84. Throw someone a surprise party
85. Ride in a jetboat
□ 86. Create a large-scale domino effect
□ 87. Swim with mermaids