9. Bubble soccer

9. Bubble soccer

Date achieved:

Saturday ‎2nd ‎September ‎2017


Northcote Indoor Sports, Victoria, Australia

Why is this experience on the Challenge List?

This experience was added to the list as at the time it was the latest craze, they were a experience that everyone wanted to do and the shops were selling them everywhere. Who doesn’t want to have a go at kicking a soccer ball whilst in a giant bubble?


I signed up to go to a dodgeball event night to celebrate the season with the other leagues. One of the activities during the night was bubble soccer. I got to jump in one game, at first it was very confusing as I had just taken over someone else and didn’t know which way to kick the ball or who was on my team. Once I found those things out it was a lot more fun and I contributed to my team getting a goal and we managed to get a few more while I played.

The bubble was quite heavy after some time of holding it up and I probably only played for 20 minutes or so. Afterwards I continued to watch the game.

Would I do it again?

I would do it again, just next time I would prefer to do it with people that I know as the people I played the game of bubble soccer with were very competitive and didn’t care who got in their way to knock them over. It was a lot of fun though!


Running around with a giant bubble around me I was able to just bounce around and and getting the chance to kick the ball to my team mates to score goals.


I got to play bubble soccer as a package deal at an event that had numerous other activities.

The average price to purchase a bubble soccer is $60-80.

Further information:

This is a great social activity that can be used in any event and with a few or a whole group of people attending.

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